Macklin Companies Development, Investment, Management Call Today: 1.949.752.8977
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Entrepreneurial innovation is the key component to the development, investment and management success of The Macklin Companies. Shared by keystone and successful companies, these components are what The Macklin Companies brings to each and every one of their real estate developments. Utilizing both the resources and track record from our established performance, The Macklin Companies proves its stability in the complex business of Real Estate. From planning, designing, marketing, and finance to implementation and operations, The Macklin Companies have superior cost controls and intense concern for being "on time and on budget".

Management within The Macklin Companies is more than the protection of a valuable asset, it's a commitment to its investors. These investors are not only the people, institutions or lenders; they are the tenants, users, and buyers. It is with this in mind that The Macklin Companies have pursued projects for nearly three decade. Designing with strong emphasis on the functionality of the project, we place equal importance on the people who work within the buildings as the silent investor. It is this commitment to service and quality that are the cornerstones to our success.

Bringing one distinctive and necessary strength to each of their projects, sensitivity to the market place, the Macklin Companies is sharply aware of the needs of the communities in which they build. The Macklin Companies designs developments to compliment and enhance the immediate and regional community. Such sensitivity not only promotes immediate acceptance of projects by the community, but also becomes a principal factor in the maintenance of property values over the long-term.

PO Box 11223 • Newport Beach, CA 92658 • 949-752-8977 voice • 949-422-2042 cell • 949-752-9227 fax • Copyright © 2015 The Macklin Companies. All Rights Reserved.